10+ years in design have shaped my practice and trust
that any problem is a worthy problem for design

Design starts with curiosity, care and compassion for people. It gathers momentum with every idea and inquisitive reflection of what we believe — and dare — to deem possible. It gains true validation when people, planet and business benefit from the positive impact it creates.

In my role as a leader, I develop and grow the capabilities of creative teams and create the organisational conditions for success and sustained impact.

Develop Creative Leaders

Paying forward the advice, mentorship and care I was given

The best part of my job is meeting some of the most brilliant, inspiring people. No matter their level or title, they get to lead, if not through authority, through influence and expertise as part of a diverse team.

I thrive on building rapport with creative teams, working alongside to guide research, ideation and design iterations, while addressing individual’s needs and interests as they move from comfort zones through ambiguity to accomplishing stretch goals.

Nourish Conditions for Innovation

Shaping a culture of playfulness, experimentation and belonging

The best product strategy and innovation will fail in the face of rigid structures and unsupportive leaders.

I work with organisations to establish the conditions for innovation in the trickiest market conditions and industries, leveraging the dynamics that influence them, to maximise creative excellence as a force for positive impact as teams anticipate and respond to complex challenges.

My experience as a practitioner allows me to give equally tactical and strategic guidance to teams, leading alongside them rather than from the front.



Design The Right Thing

Design The Thing Right

Create Impact

Learn From Humans

Design thrives on the richness of people's lives. The inherent tensions and complexities within us, the stories we tell, and how we tell them unlock insights into humans and their ecosystem.

I facilitate design activities with subject matter experts and users alike, to not only understand what matters but grasp their context to anticipate what will matter in the future.

Design Research, Interviews, Observation, Critical Interrogation, Bias Mapping, Immersion, Analogous Research, Synthesis, Archetypes, Sacrificial Concepts, Social Listening

Activate Insights

Insights help uncover what matters, providing the direction, compassion and confidence to pursue valuable and purposeful innovation with a point-of-view on opportunities.

I help organisations and teams turn human insight into defensible and innovative creative product foundations, strategies and ventures by capturing the white space opportunities.

Jobs to be Done, Customer Journeys, Opportunity Areas, Ideation

Co-Create Solutions

While I'm a master of design, I'm no expert in its areas of impact in the world. People outside a design team can best articulate their unmet needs, tolerances, motivations and aspirations.

I work with teams and users to tap into their creativity, defer judgement and explore solutions to stir their imagination and expand the solution space of the art of the possible.

Co-Design, Community Workshops, Focus Groups, Cultural Probes

Think Through Making

It's impossible to cognitively grasp and understand everything about a problems to solve, ways to solve them, or how possible solutions might resonate with users and stakeholders.

I take ideas into an experiential form as early as possible with scrappy prototypes that allow to learn about context, meaning and viability to experiment conscientiously and design the path forward.

Tinkering, Sacrificial Concepts, Paper Prototyping, Digital Prototyping, Experience Prototyping



Design The Right Thing

Design The Thing Right

Create Impact

Early and Frequent Feedback Iterations

I have built my career on my fascination for human behaviour. That's why I love putting early designs into people's hands to see them challenge and break it.

I've experienced how prototyping helps confront creative teams with critical decisions to work out possibilities, infuse current and future users' perspectives into design iterations and communicate with stakeholders and collaborators.

Paper Prototyping, Digital Prototyping, Experience Prototyping, Wizard-of-Oz, Value Proposition Testing

Digital Product Design + Strategy

Trained as an interaction designer, UI and UX are my bread and butter. Over the past decade, I've developed the rigour and routines to analyse the world as it is and imagine how it could be better.

My approach allows for rapid learnings and iteration of various possibilities before committing to implementing a solution.

Brief Building, User Flows, Jobs to be Done, Wireframing, Prototyping, Design Principles, Information Architecture, UI Design, Design Operations, MVP, Roadmapping

Service / Experience Design + Strategy

An experience designer at heart, I love learning from current user and customer experiences to find the juicy in-between moments of opportunity.

I harness my keen curiosity and obsessive problem-solving skills to dig deep into complex system problems to enhance experiences and ease of access to services that make a meaningful difference to its users.

Customer Journey Mapping, Stakeholder Mapping, System Mapping, Blueprints, Experience Principles, Value Proposition Testing

Human-Centered Design Workshops

Facilitating design workshops is a way of creating a safe and empowering space for exploration while sparking curiosity for the practice.

I enjoy guiding teams through design methods and tools applied to their most pressing, gnarly challenges, unlocking collaboration and co-creation, building a culture of inclusion, inviting empathy and emergence, and helping to align discrete actions towards a larger joint purpose.

Icebreakers, Brief Building, Design Challenges, Hackathons, Customer Journey Mapping, Synthesis, Stakeholder Coaching



Design The Right Thing

Design The Thing Right

Create Impact

Bring Visions to Life

With a healthy disrespect for current realities, I love to help extended teams get a clear idea of a courageous vision to spark their imagination, invite contribution, and earn buy-in.

Be it about helping a team be provocative and bold, about winning over a sceptical stakeholder, or the mere communication of the potential for impact through design.

User Flows, Styleframes, Storyboarding, Illustration, Motion Design, Motion Graphics Animation, Pitch Decks

Pilot Ventures

Design has not only given me the tools to challenge and envision solutions, it’s given me the ability to dissect assumptions and test them iteratively to enhance the fidelity towards meeting real needs.

I help teams incrementally test and launch services to gain product/service confidence while simultaneously growing their innovation capability.

Pre-Mortem, Live Piloting, Hypothesis-Driven MVP Launch, Business Model Testing, Go-to-Market Strategies

Product Management

I've always had a special love both for dreaming up the seemingly impossible and for keeping teams honest about what is feasible within necessary constraints.

My sweet spot lies in setting creative teams up to act on strategic choices, grounding decisions in human insights while allowing space for ambiguity and adaptation to changing conditions.

Business Model Testing, Design Sprints, Team Development and Mentorship